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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Banana Hair Smoothie - NOT!

I love to experiment with recipes of others and my own to find out if it works. This time, I think I went a little overboard. I love to talk and write about using natural products for skin and hair care and I decided to try a banana hair smoothie for a deep conditioner.
A few weeks ago, I mashed up one banana, added a few teaspoons of extra virgin oil, mixed it well with a few drops of tea tree oil and lathered on my thick coarse hair.  Covered it with a shower cap for an hour. I was going to wash it out after 30 minutes but I decided for an hour thinking I will gain more benefits that way. Little did I know what I did!

Well, I went to wash it out and after the first rinse, it looked like I came from an alien world! The banana clumps were stuck to each strand of hair and it required 45 minutes of combing and rinsing to get the banana smoothie out of my hair.  I thought I will have to shave my hair off to be able to remove all of it.

Was my hair softer? Yes. Did it have shine and look moisturized? Yes. But I am not doing that again. The pain and time of having to comb out my coarse curly hair was and is not worth it. I  will have to try out another natural deep conditioner.  Check back in this week.

Do you have any natural hair conditioner? Feel free to comment.


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