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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Power Uses of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is an around oil for the skin and hair care. It is a yellowish-green oil extracted from the leaves of melaluca tree in Australia. Its uses ranges from anti-bacterial, anti-septic, fungicidal and cosmetic.

Some of the uses of Tea Tree Oil are:

1. Tea Tree Oil is a powerful organic solvent that can help clear the skin of boils and sores when used as cleanser.

2. When mixed with hot water, tea tree oil can be used to relieve sinus and bronchial infections.

3. Tea Tree Oil can be used to kill in killing stubborn germs. I recently just found this out with the Melaluca disinfectant that I use at home. You do not need Bleach or harmful chemicals to kill the germs in your home. Adda few drops to water and vinegar as a disinfectant.

4. It can be used to treat hair problems such as dandruff, itchy-scalp, and head-lice prevention. For young children, you can mix a few drops of tea tree oil in their shampoo. You can mix a few drops tea tree oil in a base oil and massage into the scalp to relive itchy and dry scalp

Note : Even though there are no known side effects of Tea tree oil, ensure that it is always diluted especially for sensitive skin.

Green Living begins at home. Some of these natural products are just as powerful as the harsh chemicals that we use on a daily basis especially on our body. Pick up a small bottle of tea tree and integrate this oil into your daily routine. It will also save you money as your skin and hair care process use natural products.

In addition, check out the Neki Naturals Tea Tree hair oil at under the Women category.


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